Award funds have been increased from $400 to $500. The scholarship application period has been extended for 2022. Pls submit your applications by June 1, 2022
The Gene Galindo Memorial Fund was established in August 2006 to pay tribute to an individual who was dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with ostomies. He gave unselfishly of himself and his talents to clients not only during business hours but whenever there was a need. The fund will help to provide financial support to qualified individuals to promote those endeavors that are noted as worthy to continue his dream to educate, assist, support, and promote a better quality of life for individuals with ostomies.
- The principal of this Fund shall not be distributed
- In the event the Pacific Coast Region is no longer an affiliate of WOCN, the principal shall be returned to the Executor of the Gene Galindo Estate
- The principal shall be invested by the Treasurer of Pacific Coast Region (PCR) in a safe and secure fund. The interest accrued shall be distributed as outlined in the Distribution Criteria and with Pacific Coast Region Board approval.
The purpose of the GENE GALINDO MEMORIAL FUND is to support ostomy education and activities that improve the quality of life for ostomates.
- Ostomy Skills Labs or related teaching aids for those directly involved with caregiving of those with ostomies
- New ostomy guide booklets, videos &/or DVDs for the UOAA
- Youth rally activities
- UOAA activities
- Research projects directly benefiting ostomates
- Community ostomy education/support programs
Distribution Criteria:
- The Pacific Coast region shall distribute annual fund awards in an amount not to exceed the interest accrued either cumulatively (in the event no applications are received) or annually. The number of awards to be distributed annually shall be based on monies available from earned interest. The amount of the awards shall be left to the discretion of the PCR Board of Directors and an Executor Representative from the Gene Galindo Estate. Awards shall be made through the Pacific Coast Region of WOCN and distribution shall be made according to criteria as outlined in the procedure section.
- In the event there are no applications for the Award the following shall become effective:
- Funds may remain in the expendable (accrued interest) account for up to two years;
- Funds may be donated on an annual basis to the Youth Rally or UOAA.
- The Treasurer of Pacific Coast Region shall submit an annual written summary of the account to the following:
- PCR Board of Directors
- Executor of the Gene Galindo Estate
- Applications will be accepted beginning January 1st. All applications for the Awards must be received by PCR before March 31st of each calendar year.
- All applications shall be reviewed by the PCR Vice President (or designee); recommendations for distribution shall be provided to the PCR Board of Directors and the Executor of the Gene Galindo Estate for approval no later than May 15th of the award year.
- Applications must be completed and attached at the time of submission to PCR for an award consideration. Galindo Fund Application
- If an applicant is chosen, a signed acknowledgement of the Terms & Agreement shall be placed on file with the PCR Secretary Release Agreement Form; it shall be the responsibility of the PCR Secretary to ensure a signed copy is received BEFORE the PCR Treasurer releases funds.
- The PCR Secretary shall maintain a perpetual list of recipients.
- Monies will be awarded based on the merit of the application .
- In the event a recipient is unable to utilize the Award as acknowledged in the signed Terms & Agreement, all monies shall be returned to Pacific Coast Region Treasurer within 30 days
- The Pacific Coast Region Public Relations officer shall be responsible for obtaining an article for Timely Topics web site from each Award recipient by September 1 of the award year.
Original Authors:
Donna Goudberg Lockhart
Mickey Galindo
Executor for the Gene Galindo Memorial Fund
Revised by:
Scholarship Committee: Candace Miller, Melinda Miller, Joyce Moss, Gail Marculescu.
June 11, 2011
Updated: May 1, 2022 Carey Webster